Venus II: Geology, Geophysics, Atmosphere, and Solar Wind Environment (Hardback) [S.W. Bougher, D.M. Hunten, and R.J. Philips (Editors) - 1997]
1362 pgs, 1997, University of Arizona Press ISBN 978-0816518302 From a special meeting convened to re-evaluate what is known about our neighbor after three decades of missions comes Venus II: Geology, Geophysics, Atmosphere, and Solar Wind Environment. The volume's 36 chapters offer the diverse, interdisciplinary views of Venus from more than 100 scientists on topics such as lightning, cloud chemistry, rock weathering, volcanoes and craters. The CD-ROM accompanying Venus II incorporates text, data, video clips and graphics s to supplement the wealth of information contained in this source.
TABLE OF CONTENTS Part I -- Solar Wind Environment
- The Venus Atmosphere and Ionosphere and Their Interaction with the Solar Wind: An Overview
- Global Models of the Solar Wind Interaction with Venus
- Magnetohydrodynamic Processes: Magnetic Fields in the Ionosphere of Venus
- Plasma Wave Phenomena at Venus
- Evidence for Venus Lightning
Part II -- Upper Atmosphere
- Ionosphere: Solar Cycle Variations
- Ionosphere Energetics
- Solar Activity Behavior of the Thermosphere
- Upper Atmosphere Dynamics: Global Circulation and Gravity Waves
Part III -- Lower Atmosphere
- Monitoring of Mesospheric Structure and Dynamics
- Near-Infrared Sounding of the Lower Atmosphere of Venus
- The Thermal Balance of the Venus Atmosphere
- Ion/Neutral Escape of Hydrogen and Deuterium Evolution of Water
- Chemistry of Lower Atmosphere and Clouds
- The General Circulation of the Venus Atmosphere: An Assessment
Part IV -- Surface Processes
- Remote Sensing of Surface Processes
- Surface Scattering and Dielectrical Properties
- Aeolian Processes and Features on Venus
- Geochemistry of Surface-Atmosphere Interactions on Venus
- Rock Weathering on the Surface of Venus
Part V -- Geologic Structure
- Physiography, Geomorphic/Geologic Mapping and Stratigraphy of Venus
Part VI -- Volcanism
- Volcanoes and Centers of Volcanism on Venus
- Channels and Valleys
Part VII -- Tectonism
- Tectonic Overview and Synthesis
- Large Volcanic Rises on Venus
- Ishtar Terra
- Plains Tectonics on Venus
- Coronae on Venus: Morphology and Origin
Part VIII -- Impact Cratering
- Cratering on Venus: Models and Observations
- Morphology and Morphometry of Impact Craters
- The Resurfacing History of Venus
Part IX -- Geodynamics
- Venusian Spin Dynamics
- The Venus Gravity Field and Other Geodetic Parameters
- Lithospheric Mechanics and Dynamics of Venus
- The Crust of Venus
- Mantle Convection and the Thermal Evolution of Venus
Price: $100.00
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Venus II: Geology, Geophysics, Atmosphere, and Solar Wind Environment (Hardback) [S.W. Bougher, D.M. Hunten, and R.J. Philips (Editors) - 1997] - S.W. Bougher, D.M. Hunten, and R.J. Philips (Editors)
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